Getting The Best Out Of Black Soap - The Main Tips When Using It
The African black soap is an all-natural product that is safe to use on all types of skin. made in West Africa (Ghana, mostly), the African black soap evens out the skin tone, keeps acne at bay and lessens the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles.
As long as you’re following some tips when using it, you should be able to improve the texture and well-being of your skin and hair. the tricks about using this special soap are going to reduce the possible side effects and, more important, are going to help you benefit from the natural option.
Without any further ado, here’s what to keep in mind when introducing the black soap into your skin/hair care regimen:
Never apply it straight onto your skin
Due to its texture, you shouldn’t apply the soap directly onto your skin. the best way to do it is to rinse your hands and face and continue by working up a lather with your hands. You should apply it onto your skin only afterwards. If you’re using the black soap for some acne on your body, you should do the same.
A little goes a long way
When your skin sits on the dry side or you’re constantly fighting with tightness or irritation, it’s better to only use the soap at your night time routine. You may rinse your face in the morning with some warm water.
Pay attention to your skin reactions as it’s the best to tell how often you should use the black soap. sometimes, you’re only going to need to use it from time to time.
Use oils to dilute the soap
If your skin is really sensitive or dry, it’s better to lather the bar into your hands, adding few drops of your favorite essential oil to it. Rosehip, argan, jojoba oil or any combination of them is going to work just fine. You may also use a liquid black soap as it’s already formulated with several essential oils.
Allow your skin to adjust to the black soap
Even if your skin is oily, you’re still going to feel your skin drying and tight in the beginning. The effect shouldn’t last for more than a week and your skin is going to balance out completely on its own. Some purging may also happen in the beginning, but your skin should clear in two weeks or so.
Moisturize your skin
When using the black soap, moisturizing the skin is very important. Use a reliable emollient such as shea butter or any facial oil that works for your skin. a hydrating serum shouldn’t miss from your daily skin care regimen. remember that even the oily skin needs moisture when using the black soap.
Balance your skin
Balancing the skin is one important step when taking care of the skin. you need to restore the pH balance of the skin. however, make sure you only use a delicate alcohol free toner. Go online and find the toner that fits your skin’s needs the best way.
Some tips to keep in mind
No matter your daily skin care routine, it’s always a good thing to cleanse gently and to not overdo it. Even if the black soap is a reliable exfoliator, it’s still not going to replace an exfoliator. Applying only a subtle lather is going to help you keep breakouts at bay, making your skin radiant and your skin tone evener.
If you were sitting on the fence about whether you should use the black soap or not, get down with it and start using it already.
In spite of what you may have heard, the black soap doesn’t go bad. The bar is going to last for as long as you’re going to have it. Made with plenty of oils and glycerin, the black soap stands out with its ashy appearance, absorbing really fast into the air.
You may remove the ashy part/crumbles by cutting smaller bits from the large bar. Adding water is going to let you mold it into the shape you want to use. Store the black soap into a covered container. A sandwich bag or a zip lock bag are going to do as well.